UWM students: Discuss the latest astronomical discoveries and make some of your own! Join the discussion, or work for $12/hour.
CoffeeShop Astrophysics
A series of informal public lectures aimed at anyone interested in getting a taste of modern science, all from the comfort of your local coffee shop. Members of the Leonard E Parker Center for Cosmology, Gravitational and Astrophysics will guide you through the interesting, unusual, and sometimes bizarre concepts that guide the modern understanding of our universe. At the end of each lecture, we hope to have rekindled or ignited a passion for astrophysics!

Pulsar Search Collaboratory
High-school teachers and students can get involved in state-of-the art research through the Pulsar Search Collaboratory: they will learn how to use the world's largest radio telescopes and help in the hunt for gravitational waves. Contact Dr. Joe Swiggum for details.

Volunteers from all around the world sign up their computers to process data from gravitational wave detectors. The Einstein@Home project was initially developed at the Center for Gravitation, Cosmology and Astrophysics. You can get involved in cutting-edge research searching for gravitational waves and radio pulsars.

Manfred Olson Planetarium
The Center for Gravitation, Cosmology and Astrophysics partners with the Manfred Olson Planetarium on AstroBreak and special events. The Planetarium offers public shows and stargazing on a regular basis. Teachers can schedule special shows for their classes at a modest cost. Other private groups, including Scout groups, may also schedule programs.

Milwaukee Maker Faire exhibits
The Center for Gravitation, Cosmology and Astrophysics participated in the 2016 and 2017 Milwaukee Maker Faires. Find information about the exhibits, including designs for 3D printing, electronics projects, pulsar music and more.

Image credit: Joe Swiggum
Gravitational Wave Poster Set
The Center for Gravitation, Cosmology and Astrophysics have designed a set of four posters about the history of gravitational waves, the detectors that search for these waves, and the cataclysmic events that produce them in the depths of the Universe. And, of course, the first discovery on 14 September 2015!