June 29, 2023: NANOGrav Finds Evidence for Gravitational Waves
NANOGrav has used pulsar timing to find evidence for gravitational waves from supermassive black holes

May 03, 2022: The Brightest Pulsar Ever
ASKAP VAST Survey discovers possibly the brightest pulsar ever with a new technique

October 12, 2021: Strange Radio Source Toward the Galactic Center
ASKAP VAST Survey discovers transient, polarized radio source toward the Galactic Center

September 06, 2021: CGCA Professor leads UWM computing grant
UWM Associate Professor of Physics Phil Chang has led a $400,000 grant to upgrade UWM's computing facilities

August 16, 2021: ASKAP VAST Collaboration Releases Initial Results
The ASKAP Variables and Slow Transients (VAST) collaboration has just published its first main survey paper.

June 21, 2021: NANOGrav renews Physics Frontiers Center
The NANOGrav collaboration has been awarded a 5-year, $17 million grant from the National Science Foundation to identify low-frequency gravitational waves.

February 05, 2021: Student astronomer finds Galactic missing matter
PhD Student Yuanming Wang uses distant galaxies to detect "invisible" cold clump of gas

January 11, 2021: NANOGrav finds possible first hints of low-frequency gravitational wave background
NANOGrav, which uses millisecond pulsars to detect low-frequency gravitational waves, reports finding an intriguing signal which may be the first sign of gravitational waves from supermassive binary black holes.

December 09, 2020: UWM Scientist Helps Discover Space Weather Around Other Stars
UWM Physics professor David Kaplan helps discover key sign of space weather around nearby star

November 18, 2020: The Search for Strange New Worlds
Join us for a public webinar by Prof. Leslie Rogers (University of Chicago).